Android O.S has a serious issue of poor battery backup.Even Google's Larry Page says you should be grateful if your Android battery lasts a day.
But there are several ways which can help to save your Android phones Battery life.
The big three, Wifi, GPS and Bluetooth, are always common culprits for using up battery life and should be turned off when not in use. Both Bluetooth and Wifi can be on even when you aren’t using them, but GPS will only be active when an application is using it (e.g. for Navigation in Google Maps).
Cut off screen brightness
Full Cycle Recharge
1. Be sure that your battery life is less than 20%.
2.Recharge your battery directly 100% with no pause.
3.Install Battery Dr saver and task killer.(It helps to manage apps and helps to extend battery life)
Ditch vibrant wallpapers
I personally observe that live wallpapers and bright wallpapers consumes more energy as compared to dark wallpaper.And also live wallpapers utilize more of the "RAM".
Switch off Auto-sync
Apps like facebook,gmail,what's app,twitter etc automatically starts sync when a packet data connection is enabled.So auto-sync should be turned off when not in use.Settings>Accounts and Sync>disable Auto sync.
Install a time-sensitive power manager
There are plenty of time and location sensitive apps on the Android Market which automatically handle your phone's power and communications settings. For example, there's no point leaving your phone connected to the mobile network while you're asleep - so a simple app like Airplane Autoswitch, which kills all radio communications, will save loads of power and also help you sleep uninterrupted by notification pings.
Also clear the RAM memory when the phone is to be kept idle for a long time.(like before bedtime).It kills the apps which are constantly running in background like(maps,blogger,gmail,vlingo etc).
Install Juice Defender
I’ve always been a big fan of JuiceDefender, since it automates the process of turning your wireless connections on and off. JuiceDefender was one of the first battery apps for Android and has evolved quite rapidly within the past year. Today, set up and operation is relatively simple — you just need to install the app and select one of the preset profiles that it offers and it will turn your data connection, wifi and bluetooth on and off as needed thus saving you significant battery life.
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